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Behavior Configuration

Some behaviors have properties to adjust how they behave. These can also be used as templates to create custom behaviors when none of the built-in behaviors do what you want.

See Configuration Overview for instructions on how to change these settings.

See the zmk/app/dts/behaviors/ folder for all default behaviors.



CONFIG_ZMK_BEHAVIORS_QUEUE_SIZEintMaximum number of behaviors to allow queueing from a macro or other complex behavior64

Caps Word

Creates a custom behavior that behaves similar to a caps lock but deactivates when any key not in a continue list is pressed.

See the caps word behavior documentation for more details and examples.


Definition file: zmk/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk,behavior-caps-word.yaml

Applies to: compatible = "zmk,behavior-caps-word"

labelstringUnique label for the node
#binding-cellsintMust be <0>
continue-listarrayList of key codes which do not deactivate caps lock<UNDERSCORE BACKSPACE DELETE>
modsintA bit field of modifiers to apply<MOD_LSFT>

continue-list is treated as if it always includes alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9).

See dt-bindings/zmk/modifiers.h for a list of modifiers.

You can use the following nodes to tweak the default behaviors:

&caps_wordCaps Word


Creates a custom behavior that triggers one behavior when a key is held or a different one when the key is tapped.

See the hold-tap behavior documentation for more details and examples.


Definition file: zmk/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk,behavior-hold-tap.yaml

Applies to: compatible = "zmk,behavior-hold-tap"

labelstringUnique label for the node
#binding-cellsintMust be <2>
bindingsphandle arrayA list of two behaviors (without parameters): one for hold and one for tap
flavorstringAdjusts how the behavior chooses between hold and tap"hold-preferred"
tapping-term-msintHow long in milliseconds the key must be held to trigger a hold
quick-tap-msintTap twice within this period (in milliseconds) to trigger a tap, even when held-1 (disabled)
global-quick-tapboolIf enabled, quick-tap-ms also applies when tapping another key and then this one.false
retro-tapboolTriggers the tap behavior on release if no other key was pressed during a holdfalse
hold-trigger-key-positionsarrayIf set, pressing the hold-tap and then any key position not in the list triggers a tap.

The flavor property may be one of:

  • "hold-preferred"
  • "balanced"
  • "tap-preferred"
  • "tap-unless-interrupted"

See the hold-tap behavior documentation for an explanation of each flavor.

hold-trigger-key-positions is an array of zero-based key position indices.

You can use the following nodes to tweak the default behaviors:


Key Repeat

Creates a custom behavior that repeats the whatever key code was last sent.

See the key repeat behavior documentation for more details and examples.


Definition file: zmk/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk,behavior-key-repeat.yaml

Applies to: compatible = "zmk,behavior-key-repeat"

labelstringUnique label for the node
#binding-cellsintMust be <0>
usage-pagesarrayList of HID usage pages to track<HID_USAGE_KEY>

For the usage-pages property, use the HID_USAGE_* defines from dt-bindings/zmk/hid_usage_pages.h.

You can use the following nodes to tweak the default behaviors:

&key_repeatKey repeat


Creates a custom behavior which triggers a sequence of other behaviors.

See the macro behavior documentation for more details and examples.


CONFIG_ZMK_MACRO_DEFAULT_WAIT_MSintDefault value for wait-ms in macros.15
CONFIG_ZMK_MACRO_DEFAULT_TAP_MSintDefault value for tap-ms in macros.30


Definition file: zmk/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk,behavior-macro.yaml

Applies to: compatible = "zmk,behavior-macro"

labelstringUnique label for the node
#binding-cellsintMust be <0>
bindingsphandle arrayList of behaviors to trigger
wait-msintThe default time to wait (in milliseconds) before triggering the next behavior.CONFIG_ZMK_MACRO_DEFAULT_WAIT_MS
tap-msintThe default time to wait (in milliseconds) between the press and release events of a tapped behavior.CONFIG_ZMK_MACRO_DEFAULT_TAP_MS

The following macro-specific behaviors can be added at any point in the bindings list to change how the macro triggers subsequent behaviors.

&macro_tapSwitches to tap mode
&macro_pressSwitches to press mode
&macro_releaseSwitches to release mode
&macro_pause_for_releasePauses the macro until the macro key itself is released
&macro_wait_time TIMEChanges the time to wait (in milliseconds) before triggering the next behavior.
&macro_tap_time TIMEChanges the time to wait (in milliseconds) between the press and release events of a tapped behavior.


Creates a custom behavior that triggers one of two behaviors depending on whether certain modifiers are held.


Definition file: zmk/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk,behavior-mod-morph.yaml

Applies to: compatible = "zmk,behavior-mod-morph"

labelstringUnique label for the node
#binding-cellsintMust be <0>
bindingsphandle arrayA list of two behaviors: one for normal press and one for mod morphed press
modsintA bit field of modifiers. The morph behavior is used if any of these are pressed.

See dt-bindings/zmk/modifiers.h for a list of modifiers.

You can use the following nodes to tweak the default behaviors:

&grescGrave escape

Sticky Key

Creates a custom behavior that triggers a behavior and keeps it pressed it until another key is pressed and released.

See the sticky key behavior and sticky layer behavior documentation for more details and examples.


Definition file: zmk/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk,behavior-sticky-key.yaml

Applies to: compatible = "zmk,behavior-sticky-key"

labelstringUnique label for the node
#binding-cellsintMust match the number of parameters the bindings behavior uses
bindingsphandle arrayA behavior (without parameters) to trigger
release-after-msintReleases the key after this many milliseconds if no other key is pressed1000
quick-releaseboolRelease the sticky key on the next key press instead of releasefalse
ignore-modifiersboolIf enabled, pressing a modifier key does not cancel the sticky keytrue

You can use the following nodes to tweak the default behaviors:

&skSticky key
&slSticky layer

Tap Dance

Creates a custom behavior that triggers a different behavior corresponding to the number of times the key is tapped.


Definition file: zmk/app/dts/bindings/behaviors/zmk,behavior-tap-dance.yaml

Applies to: compatible = "zmk,behavior-tap-dance"

labelstringUnique label for the node
#binding-cellsintMust be <0>
bindingsphandle arrayA list of behaviors from which to select
tapping-term-msintThe maximum time (in milliseconds) between taps before an item from bindings is triggered.200